Friday, August 29, 2014

Finger Knitting 101

Finger Knitting 101

Finger knitting makes a flat bit of knitting 4 stitches wide.  Similar to knitting on a peg knitting loom or knitting board.  You need no special equipment to finger knit - just your hands and a ball of yarn.  Chunky yarn works best, but worsted weight works too - especially with smaller fingers.

First, start out with a slip knot loop.

(Enjoy the GIF - it took me HOURS to get it to work!)

Place this loop on the little finger of your non-dominate hand.  I write with my right hand, so my non-dominate hand is my left - this is the hand where I put my knitting.

Wrap BEHIND your ring finger, in front of your middle finger, behind the index finger and around,

back behind the middle finger, in front of the ring finger, and behind the little finger and back to the front.  This will weave the yarn around your fingers to begin your base row of knitting.

Bring the end of the yarn across your fingers above where your fingers are wrapped (in my case from right to left).  My yarn here is pictured below the loops on my fingers - be sure yours is above.

Pull up the loop of yarn on the little finger and bring it over your finger - being sure to keep the yarn that's across your fingers still on your finger.

Do the same with the ring finger, middle and index finger.  Congrats!  You've just completed your first row of knitting.

Now, bring the yarn back across your hand from index finger to little finger (left to right) and repeat the looping.  The yarn is now leading from your index finger; be sure to start with the finger the yarn is coming from with your looping.

Continue back and forth across the four fingers to create the finger knit chain.

If you need to save it for later, just weave a marker or pen in and out of the stitches to hold your knitting.  I suggest putting the yarn and the marker in a cup to hold them upright so the stitches don't slip off.

Thanks to my daughter for being a hand model!

See Finger Knitting: Binding Off to find out how to end your work.

Look for the tutorial on how to weave your finger knitting into exciting projects - coasters, trivets, blankets... so many possibilities.

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